Our chosen charities
2019 - Yorkshire Air Ambulance
The Yorkshire Air Ambulance is an independent charity providing a lifesaving rapid response emergency service to 5 million people across Yorkshire, flying 7 days a week, 365 days a year. To operate this life saving service the charity needs to raise £12,000 per day to keep both helicopters maintained and in the air.
On behalf of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance, we are so thrilled to be the Northern Ladies’ chosen charity for 2019 and are very much looking forward to the events this year.
June Kerry Dwyer, Director of Fundraising

Yorkshire Air Ambulance
2018 - Medical Detection Dogs
Northern Ladies supported Medical Detection Dogs in 2018 and raised £2,600 for the charity. The group made a visit to Milton Keynes in April 2019 to see the training centre for the dogs and meet them and the team.
Picture left shows the Chairman Elizabeth Peacock presenting the cheque to Dr. Claire Guest, CEO of Medical Detection Dogs along with Bumper who is trained to detect Parkinsons.
From our first Afternoon Tea in 2017 we supported Laura Crane Youth Cancer Trust and raised £750

2021/22 - Dementia UK
Dementia UK exists to provide information and support for all stages and types of dementia including Alzheimers Disease. The charity also provides Admiral Nurses and clinics to provide life-changing care for families and relatives affected by dementia.

May 2022
Due to the covid lockdowns taking out some of our events, we agreed to keep Demnetia UK as our chosen charity throughout 2021/22 and raised over £7,000 for the charity. Our main fundraising event was a lunch at the Cedar Court Hotel in Harrogate where our speaker was Laura Devonshire, (Lady Burlington), who gave a presentation of Chatsworth House, her fashion event Chatsworth Style and her plans for the future of the estate, which she and her husband will soon take over from the existing Duke and Duchess.

2023 - Guide Dogs for The Blind
Northern Ladies, met with members of the Huddersfield branch of Guide Dogs for the Blind recently at Bagden Hall to present a cheque for £4,300. The money will be used to help train a guide dog in the region.
Shirley Helm of Guide Dogs for the Blind said: During the lockdowns, Guide Dog training slowed down considerably so the back-log is helped by donations like this and we are pleased that Northern Ladies chose us as their fundraising charity last year. It takes a lot of work to train a guide dog, costing thousand’s of pounds during the dogs life and we have many people on the waiting list for a guide dog. Thank you so much to the Northern Ladies, for this wonderful gift which will help people with sight impairments to lead full independent lives.

2024 is Macmillan Cancer Care
If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer, Macmillan is here to help support you and give information about different cancer types.